SImPL : Specification and Implementation of Pattern Languages

Intra-European Marie Curie fellowship (2010-2012, contract 253162)

The project is dedicated to mechanisations of decision algorithms on regular expressions in the proof assistant Coq and to provably-correct extensions of regular expressions with notions of a pattern. By a coincidence, simpl is the name of a computational tactic in Coq that is used here for computing proofs following the method of computational (a.k.a. small-scale) reflection.

Related projects

Project papers

Matching problem for regular expressions with variables

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Pre-proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2012, St Andrews, Scotland, 12-14 June 2012.

Abstract. We study the notion of backreference in practical regular expressions with the purpose of formal analysis and theorem proving. So far only their operational semantics was studied in formal language theory. However, for efficient reasoning and independence from implementations we need a mathematical concept of backreference that does not depend on evaluation strategies, etc. We introduce such a notion in terms of a possibly infinite set of finite tree unfoldings of regular expressions for which we state the finiteness of a partial derivative (actually, prebase) representation.

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Reflexive toolbox for regular expression matching: Verification of functional programs in Coq+Ssreflect

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop Programming Languages meet Program Verification ( PLPV'12), 24 January, 2012, Philadelphia, USA. ACM.

Abstract. We study a derivative method allowing to prove termination of computations on regular expressions. A Coq formalisation of a canonical non-deterministic finite automaton construction on a regular expression is presented. The correctness of the functional definitions is formally verified in Coq using the libraries and the small-scale reflection tools of Ssreflect. We propose to extend the proofs further, and this is a work in progress, to study termination of containment and equivalence in terms of partial derivatives. This serves as a major motivation and intended application of the presented approach. A method that we develop in the paper, called shadowing, allows for a smooth program extraction from decision procedures whatever the complexity of the dependently typed proofs.

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Subtyping by folding an inductive relation into a coinductive one

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Post-proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2011, Madrid, Spain, 16-18 May 2011. LNCS, Springer.

Abstract. In this paper we show that a prototypical subtype relation that can neither be defined as a least fixed point nor as a greatest fixed point can nevertheless be defined in a dependently typed language with inductive and coinductive types. The definition proceeds alike a fold in functional programming, although a rather unusual one: that is not applied to any starting object. There has been a related construction of bisimilarity in Coq by Nakata and Uustalu recently, however, our case is not concerned with bisimilarity but a weaker notion of similarity that corresponds to recursive subtyping and has it's own interesting problems.

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Packed views of pre-structured data

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Workshop on Computer Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software, THedu 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, 31 July 2011.

Abstract. We propose a technique of packed view for interactive communication between heterogeneous software such as theorem provers and computer algebra systems. A packed view is a method to infer, with a possible share of user interaction, the type-theoretic meaning of a given pre-structured object, as well as a method to display the underlying syntactic structure of a semantic term as a pre-structured object (essentially, an abstract syntax tree) corresponding to it. With this notion of view in hand, it is relatively straightforward to program non-trivial parts of communication interfaces between a theorem prover and a computer algebra using the logic of the prover as the programming language.

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Regular expression containment as a proof search problem

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Pre-proceedings of the International Workshop on Proof-Search in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories, PSATTT 2011, Wroclaw, Poland, 1 August 2011.

Abstract. Regular expression containment has recently enjoyed a renewed interest as a type-theoretic problem. By viewing regular expressions as types, it is possible to view containments as functions that coerce one regular expression into another. Containment of a given regular expression in another one is therefore a coercion inference problem. It is not straightforward how to apply here generic proof-theoretic approaches such as those based on the MALL with the least fixpoint. We propose an alternative approach, still a purely syntactic one, to decide containment in reasonable time. We employ the partial derivative construction that, for a regular expression E, yields a syntactic NFA recognising the language of E; and, for a containment E ≤ F, it yields a simulation of E by F, with the empty simulation representing the absence of coercion. We are currently working on a proof of completeness of this optimised coercion search algorithm.

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Application of monadic substitution to recursive type containment

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Pre-proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, WRS 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia, 29 May 2011.

Abstract. In this paper, we present a computer-checked, constructive soundness and completeness result for prototypic recursive type containment with respect to containment of non-wellfounded (finite or infinite) trees. The central role is played by formalisation of substitution of recursive types as a monad, with a traverse function implementing a strategy for potentially infinite recursive unfolding. In the rigorous setting of constructive type theory, the very definition of subtyping should be scrutinised to allow a prover to accept it. As a solution, we adapt the method of weak bisimilarity by mixed induction-coinduction recently introduced to Coq by Nakata and Uustalu. However, our setting is different in that we work with a notion of weak similarity that corresponds to subtyping. We accomplish the task of representing infinitary subtyping in the Calculus of (Co-)Inductive Constructions. Our technique does not require extensions of the Calculus and therefore can be ported to other dependently typed languages.

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Subtyping by folding an inductive relation into a coinductive one

Vladimir Komendantsky
In Pre-proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2011, Madrid, Spain, 16-18 May 2011.

(Superseded by the extended post-proceedings version.)

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