Resilience Engineering - Related Papers

Responsibility Modelling for Resilience - Gordon Baxter & Ian Sommerville

In this paper, we describe a method for modelling responsibilities, which we define as duties that are discharged by agents, using some resources in a particular context. Responsibilities can be used to analyse socio-technical issues and represent the softer aspects of work. The relationships between responsibilities, agents and resources are captured using graphical responsibility models. These models help the stakeholders to identify vulnerabilities, so that they can then be appropriately managed, thereby making complex systems, such as critical national infrastructure, more resilient. We have also combined the method with a keyword approach to analyse tactical issues, such as alternative system configurations. Responsibility modelling is a lightweight method that we have used in areas ranging from contingency planning to system assurance. Based on our experiences we have developed checklist questions to guide the prospective analysis of complex systems. We are now using responsibility modelling to analyse aspects of critical national infrastructure in the UK.

Baxter, G. & Sommerville, I. (2011). Responsibility modelling for resilience. In E. Hollnagel, E. Rigaud & D. Besnard (eds.) Proceedings of the fourth resilience engineering symposium (REIV), (pp. 22-28). Press des Mines, Paris: France.