
Thanks to all of the paper authors listed below who have agreed that their work can be included in the handbook.

David Randall Mark Rouncefield  John Hughes
Tom Rodden Dik Bentley Pete Sawyer
Dave Martin Karen Clarke Jon O'Brien
Ian Sommerville John Rooksby Gordon Baxter
Steve Viller Pete Tolmie Russell Lock
Tim Storer John Dobson Guy Dewsbury
Hasan Al-Matrouk Michael Twidale Jacki O'Neill 
Simon Lock  Simon Kelly Robin Bloomfield
Andy Crabtree Alan Dix P Bagnall
Stephen Kay Geoffrey Woolfe Rob Proctor 
Jutta Willamowski Michael Pidd   Jo Mackie
Mark Hartswood  Phillipe Rouchy    Mark Westcombe
Simon Kelly Roger Slack Adrian Mackenzie
Richard Harper Gillian Hardstone Dan Fitton
R.M. Gerry  Connor Graham Alexander Voß
Ian Warren Tommaso Colombino   Keith Cheverst
D Shapiro Luke Emmet  Monika Buscher 
Marian Iszatt-White  Nozomi Ikeya John Bowers 
A.F Smith Gerald Kotonya Yuwei Lin 
John Mariani  Jennifer Watts-Perotti  Davina Ramduny-Elis
V Onditi Frederic Roulland David Wastell
Terry Hemmings Wes Sharrock   Sangeeta Shama 
Mary Ann Sprague    

As well as the authors of the papers that are included in this handbook, there are a few people who deserve special mention because of their contributions and support for this work:

John Hughes and Tom Rodden,  who started it all off when they met at a CSCW conference and discovered that they both worked at Lancaster.

Mark Rouncefield, who was one of the first to cross the disciplinary divide and who moved from Sociology to Computing at Lancaster.

Cliff Jones, who took a leap of faith in including socio-technical folks in the DIRC IRC.

Dave Cliff, who supported this work in the LSCITS project.

Tom Grimes, a student at St Andrews, who did a lot of the donkey work in collecting papers and rehosting web sites for the handbook;

John Rooksby, who helped in organizing and managing the work.

Mark Rouncefield, Dave Martin and Jo Mackie (now Jo Hillman) who were the original developers of the web sites on making ethnography accessible, patterns of cooperative interaction and ‘war stories’.

Jackie Forsyth and Chris Needham, administrators of the CSEG group at Lancaster, who took over the everyday tasks of project management and did it so much better than us academics.