Status get_in_args( Caddr dst, Csize offset, Csize length)
By calling get_in_args a locus instructs the Grasshopper kernel to place a copy of a region within the argument block defined by [offset, offset + length - 1] at address dst. Depending on the values of offset and length, different regions within the argument block may be copied. offset is a non-negative integer that specifies the start of the region to be copied relative to the start of the argument block. length is a non-negative integer specifying the size of the region to be copied. Regions defined in this way must lie entirely within the argument block.
It is possible to call get_in_args as many times as needed to process the argument block. The state of the argument block will always be that at the time of the call to kmo_invoke.
The length of the argument block specified in the call to kmo_invoke is available in an architecture specific CPU register. This register is currently defined for the Alpha AXP architecture. For ease of programming a library call, get_in_size, is provided to return the same information.