ts_bind_irq - Bind an arena to time slice(s) and associate it with an irq.


#include <charm.h>

Status ts_bind_irq( int startslot, Cap tscap, ArenaID arena, Cap arenacap, int duration, int irq );


startslot The first time slice to with which the arena arena is being associated.

tscap The capability associated with the slot ts.

arena The arena being associated with ts.

arenacap The management capability for arena arena.

duration The number of slots which are being bound.

irq The irq associated with the slot.


This function conditionally associates an arena with range of time slices. The time-slice is only allocated to the arena arena if the irq specified in irq has a pending interrupt.


Upon the successful completion, the ts_bind_irq() function returns [SUCCEED].


If the ts_bind_irq() function fails, a Status is returned that corresponds to one of the following values:

[TS_CAP_ INVALID] The capability specified by tscap is invalid.

[ARENA_CAP_INVALID] The capability specified by arenacap is invalid.

[TS_INVALID] The time slice specified by ts is invalid.

[NO_SUCH_ARENA] occurs if the arena specified does not exist.


reset_irq(), ts_change_caps(), ts_bind(), ts_unbind(), ts_yield().

Notes for Gurus

last updated: 11/2/99