Other Related Work On Patterns


Far and away the best patterns resource on line is Tom Erickson's (http://www.pliant.org/personal/Tom_Erickson/InteractionPatterns.html). The website presents some of Tom's own work (which is highly related to ours) plus has a comprehensive set of links, papers etc. on various patterns work and collections of patterns.

Another website worth looking at is that showing the patterns work being undertaken at Nottingham. This patterns work is (as ours is) ethnomethodological in nature but deals with how patterns may be recognised in everyday activity, and at as greater level of detail than we present in. The web materials cannot seem to be accessed just now but papers are available from:

Other websites worth a look include:

* Jan Borcher's patterns page: http://www.stanford.edu/~borchers/hcipatterns/

* The patterns 4 groupware page: http://www.groupware-patterns.org/ (also presented on wiki pages)

* The Brighton Usability (Group) Patterns Collection: http://www.cmis.brighton.ac.uk/research/patterns/home.html

These web page and patterns take a more traditionally HCI approach to patterns, with a greater focus on the interface and technical aspects of computing.

For those interested in the use of patterns for software engineering (where they first emerged in Computer Science) the following website provides a useful introduction:



Here are the patterns related references for our work:

1. Alexander, C. (1979). "A Timeless Way of Building." Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

2. Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S. & Silverstein, M. (1977). "A Pattern Language." Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Bayle, E., Bellamy, R., Casady, G. & Erickson, T. (1998). "Putting it all Together: Towards a Pattern Language for Interaction Design." SIGCHI Bulletin, Vol. 30 no. 1.

4. Cooper, J.W. (2000): Java Design Patterns, Longman.

5. Coplien J. O. and Schmidt D. C., eds. (1998) Pattern languages of program design. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Reading, MA.

6. Coplien, J. (1998). "A Development Process Generative Pattern Language," in Pattern Languages of Program Design, J. O. Coplien & D. C. Schmidt, Eds. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1998, pp. 183-237.

7. Erickson, T. (2000). "Lingua Francas for design: sacred places and pattern languages," in Proceedings of DIS'00, Brooklyn, NY, 2000, ACM Press, pp. 357-368.

8. Erickson T. (2000) "Supporting interdisciplinary design: towards pattern languages for workplaces", ‘ In Luff, P., Hindmarsh, J and Heath, Christian. (eds) Workplace Studies: Recovering Work Practice and Informing System Design. Cambridge, CUP.

9. Fowler, M. (1997). "Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models." Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997.

10. Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. & Vlissides, J. (1994). "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software." Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.

11. Sane, A. The Patterns Home Page. http//:hillside.net/patterns